Digitalising EU Public Procurement: An Italy, Portugal and Norway Collaboration - European Commission
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Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI)
  • 15 September 2020

Digitalising EU Public Procurement: An Italy, Portugal and Norway Collaboration

Providing a scalable virtual environment and analytics routines to work on procurement data and support the creation of the eProcurement data space.

Pilot description

Pilot start date: September, 2020

Objective: The main goals was to develop a common framework, using open- source software, and an infrastructure for monitoring public procurement in the EU through a set of analytical services and tools based on a common data model. The pilot involved Italian, Portuguese, and Norwegian authorities and centred around providing a scalable virtual environment and analytics routines to work on procurement data and support the creation of the eProcurement data space. 

Data used: Italian, Portuguese and Norwegian Public Contracts, national procurement centre data and European-level published data on eprocurement.

Data sources:

  • National Databases:
    • Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC)
    • O Instituto dos Mercados Públicos, do Imobiliário e da Construção (IMPIC)
    • Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring (DFØ) open data portal
    • CONSIP
  • EU Publications Office

Addressed use cases:

  • Predictive analysis
  • Time-series analysis
  • Advanced data transformation 

BDTI tech stack

The pilot team got to know each tool in the BDTI service offering. 

See all available tools


Italy, Portugal and Norway Digital Government agencies