Introduction to the BDTI portal - European Commission
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Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI)

Introduction to the BDTI portal

In the following section, you will find an introduction to the portal and its uses, as well as a brief overview of all of the different pages in the portal.

Connection to the BDTI Portal

 To access the BDTI Portal, you need to have an EU login account.

In case, you do not already have an EU Login account, make sure to create one, using the create an account link. For more information you can visit the Help page.

If you already have an EU Login account, please send the following information to EC-PILOT-BDTI:

  • Unique identifier at the Commission (uid)
  • Associated email

Please note that these information can be found after the creation of your EU Login in 'My Account' under 'My account details'

BDTI portal my account


What is a Deployment

The portal is a web application which allows users easily deploy and manage containerized data science workloads. These containerized workloads are referred to as deployments; these deployments are individual instances of their respective service. These services can be applications such as Jupyter Lab or RStudio, or database tools such as MongoDB or PostgreSQL.

Representation of what deployment is and the role of the portal

Users have access to a service catalog in the portal of all the available services, from where they are be able to deploy new instances of these services. When launching these deployments, users are able to specify certain configuration options such as CPU and RAM allocation or the crendentials they want to use to access the deployments. After launching a deployment, users will be able to access it through a web browser where they can use it like any other web based application. Once the user no longer needs the deployment, they can terminate it without fear of losing data since these deployments are attached to persistent storage.

Note, the database deployments cannot be accessed through a browser, instead they can be access from inside another deployment.

Types of users

There are two different types of users, regular users and admins. Admins have all the rights a regular user has, with the addition of being able to manage groups. The admin page is only available to admins. The admin will be able to assign or remove users from groups they belong to. The admin will see a table of all the users for each group the admin belongs to. To navigate through the list of users, the admin can use the search feature as well as the minimize feature (by clicking on the group it will minimize).

Screenshot of BDTI's portal to show admin view

To add a user, press the Add button on the top right of the page. A popup will appear where the admin can specify the user they want to add and the group they will be added to. Note, the admin must use the user's username exactly, there is no auto suggestion.

Portal Overview

 Once the user is logged in they will see the full the portal. It is comprised of two main elements, the sidebar and the pages themselves. The Sidebar allows the users to navigate to different pages in the portal by clicking on their respective buttons. Each page will have it's content in panels. Some of the pages have subpages, for example the My Account and Admin pages have the Billing and Monitoring subpages respectively. Note that these subpages will only appear when the user has navigated to their respective parent pages. If the user is an administrator they will see the Admin tab in the sidebar, if the user is a regular user they will not see this tab. To logout the user simply need to press the Logout button on the bottom left of the screen.


This is default page for the portal; it contains general information pertinent to all users.

Screenshot of what BDTI's portal default page look like

My Account

The My Account page contains two panels, the User Info and DSL Info. The User Info panel contains general information about the user (eg. username, email, groups). The second panel DSL Info contains information regarding usage quotes for the groups the user is assigned to.

Screenshot of what BDTI's portal my account page look like

The user can also access the billing dashboard under the My Billing page.

Service Catalog

The Service Catalog page contains a single panel which lists all the possible services a user can deploy. From this page the user will be able to deploy new instance of these services.

Screenshot of what BDTI's portal service catalogue look like

My Services

The My Services page contains a single panel with a table showing all the deployments belonging to the user. From here the user is able to open/terminate existing deployments.

Screenshot of what BDTI's portal service page look like

My Data

The My Data page contains two panels Secrets and Storage which pertain to the user's secrets and storage respectively. The first panel Secrets allows the user to manage their secrets kept in the vault. The second panel Storage lists all the storage which can be used to store/access the user's data inside their deployments.

Screenshot of what BDTI's portal my data page look like


The Admin page can only be seen by admin users, it has one panel, where admins can add or remove users from groups.

Screenshot of what BDTI's portal admin page look like