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Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI)

VS Code - Python

The VS Code Python extension is a powerful tool for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) that enhances the code editor with robust support for Python development. This extension is developed and maintained by Microsoft and the open-source community, providing features that streamline Python development workflows.


VS Code Python components

  • Python language server: Provides IntelliSense, autocomplete, and code navigation features for Python.
  • Debugger: An integrated debugger for Python that supports breakpoints, variable inspection, and step-through code execution.
  • Linting: Tools to analyse Python code for potential errors and style issues using linters like pylint, flake8, and mypy.
  • Jupyter Notebook integration: Support for running Jupyter Notebooks directly within VSCode, with full interactivity.
  • Virtual environment management: Simplified management of virtual environments and package dependencies.
  • Testing frameworks: Integration with testing frameworks such as unittest, pytest, and nose for running and debugging tests.
  • Interactive window: A REPL-like environment for running and testing Python code snippets interactively.
  • Snippets and code formatting: Built-in and customisable code snippets and support for code formatting tools like Black and autopep8.


Find below some of the main features of QGIS:

  • Rich intelliSense: Autocomplete, code suggestions, and parameter info for Python code.
  • Advanced debugging: Breakpoints, call stack, watch expressions, and interactive debugging for efficient problem-solving.
  • Integrated Jupyter Notebooks: Full support for creating, editing, and running Jupyter Notebooks within VSCode.
  • Seamless linting and formatting: Continuous code quality checks and automated formatting to adhere to coding standards.
  • Extensive testing support: Easy configuration and execution of unit tests and detailed test results.
  • Environment and package management: Integrated tools for creating and managing virtual environments and dependencies.
  • Interactive development: Interactive Python window for rapid prototyping and experimentation.
  • Customisation and extensibility: Highly customisable settings and the ability to extend functionality through additional extensions.

Use cases

Find below some examples of possible use cases:

  • Web development: Efficient development of web applications using frameworks like Django and Flask.
  • Data science and machine learning: Developing and running data analysis and machine learning workflows with support for libraries like pandas, NumPy, and TensorFlow.
  • Scripting and automation: Writing and debugging scripts for automation and system tasks.
  • Educational use: Ideal environment for teaching and learning Python programming.
  • Scientific computing: Developing computational models and simulations in various scientific disciplines.


Find below some interesting links providing more information on QGIS: